Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Busy Weekend!

Ok..sorry I've taken a few days to post on here. We had a really busy weekend this past weekend, just the way I like them! Two of the highlights were: On friday Scott and his dad took Natalie, Nolan and my nephew Landen to the drive in movies! This was the first time they went to the drive in and they loved it!! They saw Wall E and The Hulk. I asked Scott how they did with actually watching the movie and he said they sort of watched Wall E. I knew they wouldn't pay a whole lot of attention because they were really excited and it was something they had never done before. Nolan and Landen fell asleep before Hulk even started. Natalie was only awake for the first half hour or so. So, it was nice that Scott and his dad got to watch that movie in peace, lol.
The second highlight was that on Sunday my dad treated all of us to an Indian's game. It was slider's birthday, so the kids got a slider hat and a cupcake. They also had a lot of fun games and things set up outside the stadium for kids to do. The kids loved it! And Nolan was in heaven. He just kept saying he wanted to go out on the field and play baseball with the guys. He took is little mitt with him and wore it most of the game.

Natalie and Nolan in their slider hats

A robot that was outside the stadium with all the fun things going on.
Nolan enjoying the game
Natalie enjoying the game.

Nolan on the way to the game....
And Nolan on the way home.
All I have to say is way to go grandpas!!!! They both hit a grand slam this weekend with the kids and took them to do really fun things!
One highlight for me is that we went to the thrift store on Saturday. I really like to go there for the kids clothes, because they grow out of them so quick and you can find some great finds for cheap! I got a big bag of clothes for the kids and only paid $17! My favorite find was a cute little yellow sundress for Natalie. It's Old Navy brand and I ended up only paying $1.50 for it! It looks brand new! Heres a picture of her in it at the game.
We also took the kids to Bettes Park on Saturday. They had a blast swinging and climbing. Heres a picture of them at the park.
Like I said...it was a busy weekend...and I know with the holiday coming up..this weekend is going to be busy too!

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